Greetings! Hope everyone is ready for Christmas festivities tomorrow! We are packing up our things for the weekend to go to Orlando and hoping that things go well. Our poor little Sebastian is quite sick - he has severe bronchitis or pneumonia - so it's been a rough couple of days. You'll see a picture of sick Sebastian at the end of the post. So please keep him in your Christmas prayers that he feels better soon, soon, soon! Here are a few of the activities from the past weeks.

Lately Sebastian loves wearing his sunglasses and praying. Here he is praying before dinner with his sunglasses on. The other day, after the Christmas parade, we had a lot of people over for dinner. We sat Sebastian with Angelica at a little table and when it came time to say prayers he jumped up from the table and ran to his high chair saying 'pray, pray' and folding his hands because that's how he prays before he eats. So cute.
1 comment:
Awww...hope the little guy feels better soon! So not fun to be sick. We'll be praying that he's well enough to thoroughly enjoy Christmas and his time with family. And Paul...Happy (early) Birthday! (I'm not sure that I'll be able to get to a computer on your actual birthday and didn't want you to think that I forgot).
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