Saturday, March 14, 2009

Still no baby, but lots of fun today!

Well, still no baby. I have 10 days until my due date, but I am already 4 cm and getting contractions throughout the day. So I am hoping that means something will happen sooner than later, but you never know! We are keeping up our walking regimen and enjoying lots of outdoor activities in the nice weather. Today we took Sebastian to the Brevard Zoo and he had a great time. We had been before, but they opened a whole new interactive section with lagoons for the kids to splash around in and play which he loved. We were so excited because he was even venturing off on his own and we were able to just sit nearby and watch. Here are some pictures.

Splashing in the lagoon. I love his new water sandals. =)

Concentrating on collecting all the sharks. Notice the lip.

The giraffes were a huge hit today. It was feeding time and they were right up next to the viewing area and letting everyone pet them. Sebastian loved it!

He thought the giraffe's tounge was so funny...he even touched it - yick!!!

Sebastian being silly on Daddy's shoulders.

Here are some other pictures from throughout this week.

I made a pasta salad with different shapes and he loved eating the wheels - especially when he learned how to put them on his fingers. Also, he is really enjoying meal time now in his new big boy booster seat. He sits right at the table with us. We've also noticed this cuts back on the number of fits he throws while eating because he can't throw himself backwards like he could in his highchair.

Celebrating Abuelita's birthday. Love the face!

Singing happy birthday...but notice his "prayers" hands. We thought this was so funny because as part of our Lent practices we are trying to use our family prayer table every night. We always light our family candle and then we pray. He knows when the candle is on to fold his hands and so I guess when he saw the candle on the cake, he figured that was the right thing to do. It was too funny.

Sebastian reading one morning in bed. Notice the title of the book - "Waiting for Baby," a new favorite. We are all anxiously waiting for baby! I can only hope that our next post will include pictures of him and our new family of four!

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