Matteo out of the bath burrito-style. It's the funniest thing. Must watch the video below for a sweet moment with Daddy too.
VIDEO: Matteo, Who Loves You? (Click here to watch if the video does not appear below.)
We hosted our first playgroup last week for Matteo's toddler friends. It was nice too because there are quite a few older siblings that are Sebastian's age so fun was had by all.
On Friday I got to visit Emily, my best friend from high school for her baby shower!!! Yay!!! I love it when my friends are having babies! It was soooooo fun to catch up with her and talk about all things baby.
Nana, this one's for you. The boys were so sweet reading their audio book you gave them. Paul took some sweet pictures of them. But failed to notice that Matteo was meanwhile playing with the electrical outlet. That stinker!
While Daddy worked in the yard, Mami worked out too pushing 55 pounds of stroller around the neighborhood. =) And Matteo is finally starting to realize that the hat and glasses are going to have to stay on. We are making strides!
Playing with Lelo's hat at the beach...
Being cute is such hard work.... =)
VIDEO - RV Beach Party for our Colombian Family (Click here to watch if video does not appear below)
Matteo LOVED the beach!!! He just kept running around and splashing and laughing. For some reason though, not one picture captured his joy. Booo! He just has these strange expressions in all of them, but he really had a blast! Now that I know both of the boys like the water, there is no way I can take them to the beach by myself anymore!
Sebastian and Angelica got right to work in the sand.
Matteo preferred the water over sand play, but Daddy still tried to convince him.
Everyone in the water at Jetty Park!
Family picture.
Tired, tired baby.
When we were on our way back to the RV to get cleaned up the cruise ships started leaving.
We cleaned everyone up (Matteo is waiting for his clothes here) and headed back home after a great family day at the beach.
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