Abu and Sebastian take a break from playing to look at a family photo album.
"I have arrived - the world is mine!" Matteo thinks he owns the place (Gymboree) sometimes! So funny!
Zonked out after playing all day.
These play "Waffle Blocks" have finally resurfaced! They were hiding in my Dad's hanger - we never thought to ask him and just thought they had gotten lost somewhere! I had been wanting them for a while because I thought the kids would get a kick out of them. My Tio Mauricio gave them to me when I was three so I knew they'd be a hit. Sure enough! Hours of fun!
Sebastian in an airplane.
Having lunch at a "restaurant." I especially loved this set up because they were completely contained while they ate their food!
We have been wanting to get Sebastian a real bike for a while and finally, Titi Monica came across one that seemed just right (at least for a few more months!) at a garage sale for $5! Deal! Sebastian was SOOOO excited and did wonderfully!
On his first bike ride! Note Matteo in the background as we try to teach him to master the tricycle.
Uh-oh....first fall! Just a small scrape, but it took a lot of talking and explaining that this bike riding business is going to take some practice!
Matteo concentrating....
VIDEO - Bike Riding! (If you don't see the video below, click here to watch.)
We recently had a family photo shoot a a local park with a new photographer. We haven't seen the photos yet, but I will be sure to link/post to them once she has them ready. The boys looked adorable in their matching outfits, which they will also wear for Easter. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
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