So we have been talking about and preparing for this day for months. Sebastian woke up and the first thing he said was "I'm going to school today!"
VIDEO - Special Preschool Card
(If video does not appear below, click here to watch.)
So...the whole ride to school he kept saying "But Mami, I'm too little for school. I'm not big. I want to stay at casita (home) and play with Matteo. I want Mami to stay at school and sing songs and do crafts and have snacks. But Mami, I'm too little." Ackkkk. I have never been through this before. It was so hard to reassure him and remind him of everything we know about how great it would be when I could feel his fear and anxiety. He was still nervous as we waited to go inside, but as soon as he saw his classroom he seemed excited.
He's actually saying "oooo!!!!" in an excited way as he walked in and saw the playdoh. He made a bee-line to start playing, when his teacher Ms. Carolyn asked him to go wash his hands. He went right over, started lathering up and was so happy. I figured it would be a good time to give him a quick kiss and head out with out too much fanfare. I kissed him on the head and said goodbye and he looked at me and just started to scream, "Mami!!!!!!" It was AWFUL. AWFUL. AWFUL.
I helped him finish washing his hands, dried them off, calmed him down a bit and then tried again, but this time I left. As I walked out, I saw the teacher scoop him up as he screamed for me. I didn't want to leave. Part of me still feels like maybe I shouldn't have left. But I did. I stood out in the hall, with my new friend Kendall (her daughter Brianna is in his class and she did great, yay, Brianna!). Kendall would peek in and tell me how things were going. Finally, he calmed down and was just crying when Ms. Kathy, the assistant came out and told me they were reading a book and that he was still crying a bit. I went to the "boo-hoo breakfast" to wait a bit for another update. I was the only boo-hooing Mami. What a dork. After about 30 minutes from when I left him, Ms. Kathy came back and told me he was just fine now, reading books and not crying. Whew. But I still didn't feel much better. I didn't feel better for a whole 2 1/2 hours until I could see that little face again. And here is the little face I saw when I went to pick him up...
VIDEO - 1st Day of School Pickup
(Click here if the video does not appear below.)
VIDEO - 1st Day of School Recap
(Click here to view if it does not appear below.)
So, I tried to interview Sebastian about his first day once we got to the van, but as you can see he was too silly/excited/hyper to say much. But the best part is at the end when I ask if he wants to go back to school and he happily says, "sure!"
I'm so proud of my Sebastian. Great job, Papito. I'm so proud of you. You are so big. And I can't wait to see what new things this school year brings. You might be scared sometimes, but we'll always do it together. I love you.
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