Sebastian, 3 1/2, Matteo 21 months. My smiling boys. =)
The next few photos are the process we went through to get the above photo. First, Sebastian will only wear these blue sweatpants unless I fight with him for about 30 minutes to wear something else. So I was cool with the pants for this picture. And he wanted his ocean wave red shirt. Whatever. At least it was red. But he was excited to get the picture taken. He was ready.
Sebastian - great smile! Matteo - you aren't dressed yet! You need pants. But he was ready too (so he thought).
Sebastian - still going with the cheesy smile. Matteo - these toys are fun! And they sing!
Little reindeer.
Instrument shot didn't quite go as planned. I guess they are just too distracting. =) It was fun anyways. Love doing at home photo shoots! =)
You have here it is. Baby belly #3 at 18.5 weeks. (I'm now 20 weeks, just haven't taken a picture yet!)
And here's the little surprise treasure that's inside!
Baby's head profile.
VIDEO - Baby G3 Sonogram (Click here if the video does not appear below.) We were surprised to learn that we were getting a CD with all the images and some video clips. So I put this little clip together. It might be hard to decipher, but we were excited to see! And no, we didn't find out, so come May we'll have a fun surprise to share with everyone!
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